Dec 31, 2007

Gestatten: Der neue deutsche Spießer (

"Ist Ihnen eigentlich schon einmal aufgefallen, dass es nichts Bürgerlicheres gibt als Ökologie?", fragt der junge Autor Christian Rickens in seinem Buch "Die neuen Spießer". Und zitiert Weisheiten aus der Ökoszene: "Wir haben die Erde nur von unseren Kindern geliehen", "Geld kann man nicht essen". Wie sehr sie doch Kalendersprüchen der 50er-Jahre-Eltern ähneln, nach denen Geld nicht glücklich mache, nichts so schwer zu ertragen sei wie eine Reihe von guten Tagen und so fort. Wenn die instinktive Abwehr von Veränderungen und Innovationen spießig ist, dann hat Spießigkeit eine Farbe: Grün. Fragen Sie mal Leute, die pro Genforschung sind..."
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Dec 30, 2007

Dec 24, 2007

Iran, Israel and Nuclear War: An Illustrative Scenario Analysis

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) -
"Iran, Israel and Nuclear War: An Illustrative Scenario Analysis"

"There is no way to predict the forces each side
will have in the future, or how they might target those forces and use them in war. It does seem clear, however, that both sides would probably be forced to target the other's population centers in any scenario that escalated beyond an initial demonstrative strike..."

Brief summary on -

Link to the CSIS website -,com_csis_pubs/task,view/id,4172/type,1/

Hit the picture or click on the link for the whole report -

letterman and paris

Dec 15, 2007

Dec 13, 2007

wing-jet superman

Thomas L. Friedman - Losing Weight in the Gulf

"The Gulf Arabs feel like they have this neighbor who has been a drug dealer for 18 years. Recently, this neighbor has been very visibly growing poppies for heroin in his backyard in violation of the law. He's also been buying bigger and better trucks to deliver drugs. You can see them parked in his driveway.

In the past year, though, because of increased police patrols and all the neighbors threatening to do something, this suspicious character has shut down the laboratory in his basement to convert poppies into heroin. In the wake of that, the police declared that he is no longer a drug dealer.

"But wait," say the Gulf Arabs, "he's still growing poppies. He was using them for heroin right up to 2003. Now he says he's in the flower business. He's not in the flower business. He's dealing drugs. And he's still expanding the truck fleet to deliver them. How can you say he's no longer a drug dealer?"

Sorry, say the police. We have a very technical, legal definition of drug-dealing, and your neighbor no longer fits it..."

Thomas L. Friedman:,1518,522844,00.html

Dec 11, 2007

Lizas Welt - Renaissance eines Gesinnungstextils

"Nun mag der Textilfachhandel tatsächlich zuvörderst „dankbar für den schnellen Euro“ sein, „den er mit ahnungslosen Kindern machen kann“, wie Hammerschmitt schrieb. Aber er muss eben auch die einigermaßen gesicherte Erwartung haben, dass ein entsprechender Markt überhaupt vorhanden ist – und dass der nur von Kenntnislosen bedient wird, darf zumindest bezweifelt werden. Immerhin hat das Angebot eines solch explizit politischen Produktes die mutmaßliche Akzeptanz oder wenigstens die stillschweigende Hinnahme von dessen originärer Bedeutung zur Voraussetzung. Schließlich wissen selbst die Zwölfjährigen, dass das Ding irgendetwas mit „den Palästinensern“ zu tun hat und dass diese Palästinenser, so viel ist sicher, allemal für gerechtfertigten Protest und legitimes Aufbegehren stehen..."

Hit the picture or click here to be redirected to "Lizas Welt"

Mearsheimer, Walt, and "cold feet" - by Martin Kramer

"Not only wasn't the Iraq war Israel's first choice; the war's aftermath was a defeat for Israel's own openly declared priorities. Israel is now living with the consequences of that defeat. Here we are in the last days of 2007, and the United States is still in the midst of the "long pause." Maybe it should be renamed: the latest US National Intelligence Estimate on Iran has turned it into lame-duck menopause. So much for the manipulative power of the "Israel lobby." The Iraq war and its aftermath prove exactly the opposite of what Mearsheimer and Walt claim they prove. They're evidence not of Israel's influence, but of the limits of Israel's leverage when it comes up against other major US interests and alliances..."

Hit the picture or click here for the whole article on

Dec 10, 2007


hit the picture or click on this link:

dershowitz - "stupid intelligence"

"Whatever the agenda and whatever the motive this report may well go down in history as one of the most dangerous, misguided and counterproductive intelligence assessments in history. It may well encourage the Iranians to move even more quickly in developing nuclear weapons. If the report is correct in arguing that the only way of discouraging Iran from developing nuclear weapons is to maintain international pressure, then the authors of the report must surely know that they have single-handedly reduced any incentive by the international community to keep the pressure up..."

Read the whole article here or hit the picture

Dec 4, 2007

How to get a job!!!

Bill Gates advertised for a new chairman of Microsoft Europe. 5000 candidates are assembled in a large room. One of them is Maurice Cohen, a little French Jew.

Bill Gates thanks the candidates for coming but asks all those who are not familiar with the JAVA program language to leave; 2000 people rise and leave the room. Maurice Cohen says to himself, "I do not know this language but what have I got to lose if I stay? I'll give it a try".

Bill Gates then asks all those who have no experience of managing teams of more than 100 people to leave. Another 2000 people go. Maurice Cohen says to himself, "I have never managed anybody but myself but what have I got to lose if I stay? What can happen to me?"

Then Bill Gates asks all candidates who do not have outstanding academic qualifications to rise and leave; 500 people remove themselves. Maurice Cohen says to himself, "I left school at 15 but what have I got to lose if I stay? So he stays in the room. Lastly, Bill Gates asks all of the candidates who do not speak the Serbo-Croat language to rise and leave; 498 people rise and leave the room. Maurice Cohen says himself, "I do not speak Serbo-Croat but what the hell! Have I got anything to lose?"

He finds himself alone with one other candidate. Everyone else has gone. Bill Gates joins them and says: "Apparently you are the only two candidates w! ho speak Serbo-Croatian. I'd like to hear you converse with one another in Serbo-Croatian."

Calmly Maurice turns to the other candidate and says to him: "Baruch ata Adonaï."

The other candidate answers: "Elohénu melech ha'olam."

Dec 2, 2007

Kasparov's report about his short jail visit

"My other concern was food, since it was out of the question to consume anything provided by the staff. (Nor do I fly Aeroflot. "Paranoia" long ago became an obsolete concept among those in opposition to the Putin regime.) On Sunday, thanks to growing external pressure, they allowed me to receive food packages from home..."
Hit the pic or click here for the whole article on

Dec 1, 2007

Hola Hovito!


Don of the Northern Boroughs and the Brixton Syndicate

Souls of Mischief - '93 til Infinity

a reminder for box.

Top 10 reasons to go to work naked

1. Your boss is always yelling, "I wanna see your ass in here by 8:00!"

2. Can take advantage of computer monitor radiation to work on your tan.

3. "I'd love to chip in, but I left my wallet in my pants."

4. To stop those creepy guys in Marketing from looking down your blouse.

5. You want to see if it's like the dream.

6. So that with a little help from Muzak you can add "Exotic Dancer" to your exaggerated resume.

7. People stop stealing your pens after they've seen where you keep them.

8. Diverts attention from the fact that you also came to work drunk.

9. Gives "bad hair day" a whole new meaning.

10. No one steals your chair.


Exoskeleton Turns Humans Into Terminators

Faces in Places

faces found in everyday places.
(hit pic to be redirected)

Berlin - Fuck Yeah!

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